Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Film. Recently she had said she auditioned for the first time for her third film with Aamir Laal Singh Chaddha. Ram Sampath has beautifully composed this song it has Indian feel to it.
Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor. 3 Idiots Zoobi Doobi Ft Aamir Khan Kareena Kapoor Extended Promo www keepvid com. Zoobi Doobi 3 Idiots Full Song Feat.
One such actor who has been paired with Kareena Kapoor Khan on-screen multiple times is Aamir Khan.
Recently she had said she auditioned for the first time for her third film with Aamir Laal Singh Chaddha. Kareena Kapoors 5 best films ever from Shah Rukh Khans Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham to 3 Idiots with Aamir Khan have you seen the Bollywood beautys biggest hits. They were also seen together in the Perfectionists last movie. Aamir Khan and Kareena had earlier worked together in blockbuster Hindi movie 3 Idiots.