Aitraaz Film Hindi Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. Raj is happily married to Priya and is expecting a promotion at work. In the movie Kareena Kapoor who plays the role of wife of Akshay Kumar Priya Saxena.
The screenplay was written by Shyam Goel and Shiraz Ahmed and Himesh Reshammiya composed the. Raj is happily married to Priya and is expecting a promotion at work. In the movie Kareena Kapoor who plays the role of wife of Akshay Kumar Priya Saxena.
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Trouble begins when Rajs boss arrives with his newlywed wife Soniya whos none other than Rajs ex-girlfriend. Subhash Ghai Rajoo Farooqui Music Director. Along with similar movies like Don Ab Tak Chhappan and Dhoom 2. Watch trailers find online streaming movies on JustDials Movies online.