Aitraaz Full Hindi Movie Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor. At the time she had seen box office receipts for only two Hindi films and although both Andaaz and The Hero did well she was not the star or female lead of either film. Subhash Ghai Rajoo Farooqui Music Director.
Click Play to the superhit songs of Hindi romantic thriller movie Aitraaz staring Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Priyanka Chopra. Telly Movie Tunes. Movie Cast Credits Starcast.
Depois que ele rejeita seus avanços sexuais ela o acusa de estupro.
Movie Cast Credits Starcast. Movie Cast Credits Starcast. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Overall this is a very fine film primarily because of the outstanding performance of Priyanka Chopra.