Aitraaz Hindi Picture Film Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. The story is about an honest employee Akshay Kumar who is accused of sexual harassment by his female senior in the office. Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Paresh Rawal Amrish Puri Annu Kapoor Abbas-Mustan Subhash Ghai.
Buy Aitraaz by Akshay Kumar. Kareena Kapoor Khan has featured in numerous successful multi-starrer films with big banners. Directed by Abbas Mastan Aitraaz is a Bollywood thriller.
The story is about an honest employee Akshay Kumar who is accused of sexual harassment by his female senior in the office.
Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Priyanka Chopra from Amazons Movies Store. Buy Aitraaz by Akshay Kumar. The story is about an honest employee Akshay Kumar who is accused of sexual harassment by his female senior in the office.