Aitraaz Picture Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Amrish Puri. The film revolves around the theme of sexual harassment. Objection is a 2004 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller courtroom drama film directed by AbbasMustanProduced by Subhash Ghai it stars Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra and features Amrish Puri Paresh Rawal and Annu Kapoor in supporting roles.
Watch the hit scene - Intimate Scene - Aitraaz - Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Priyanka Chopra from the movie Aitraaz starring Akshay kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Amrish Puri Paresh Rawal Annu Kapoor Upasna Singh Vivek Shauq Directed by Abbas-Mustan Produced by Subhash Ghai. The film revolves around the theme of sexual harassment. Without giving the whole plot away she sets her sights on Akshay Kumar who is married to legally-trained Kareena Kapoor.
Movie Cast Credits Starcast.
Priyanka Chopra plays a gold-digging manipulative she-wolf of a woman. Priyanka Chopra plays a gold-digging manipulative she-wolf of a woman. Priyanka Chopra plays a gold-digging manipulative she-wolf of a woman. Raj is sued for sexual harassment by Sonia a former lover turned boss who initiated the act forcefully which threatens both his career and.