Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Aitraaz Film. As Aitraaz clocked 16 years PeeCee took to her Instagram page and penned a note about playing Sonia Roy an out-and-out ambitious and predating woman. Trouble begins when Rajs boss arrives with his newlywed wife Soniya whos none other than Rajs ex-girlfriend.
Raj Malhotra Akshay Kumar is an executive working in. Directed by Abbas Mastan Aitraaz is a Bollywood thriller. Trouble begins when Rajs boss arrives with his newlywed wife Soniya whos none other than Rajs ex-girlfriend.
Enjoy Aitraaz starring Akshay KumarKareena KapoorPriyanka ChopraAmrish Puri and directed by - - only on ZEE5.
The film revolves around the theme of sexual harassment. For the film the Baywatch actor received several accolades too. Aitraaz is another feather in their cap. Trouble begins when Rajs boss arrives with his newlywed wife Soniya whos none other than Rajs ex-girlfriend.