Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Priyanka Chopra Ki Movie. Their on-screen pairing has always managed to impress the audience and critics alike. The movie Good Newwz is about two couples trying to conceive through the in vitro fertilisation method.
Hello friends welcome to our website. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Akshay Kumar have acted in numerous films together and thus share a great rapport with each other. The film also stars legendary actor Amrish Puri in a prominent role.
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In her early-mid 20s Priyanka Chopra was gaining popularity and was signing films after films with big stars. The movie narrates the story of a man who is falsely accused of sexual harassment by his ex-girlfriend and he has to restore his reputation by proving his innocence. Akshay Kumar and Priyanka Chopras closeness after Aitraaz reportedly left Twinkle Khanna seething and this is what happened next. To this the global icon.