Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Talaash Movie. When his sentence is over he returns home to find that his wife Purnima son Arjun and daughter Pooja living a destitute life. -The Hunt Begins- For them it was revenge.
Arjun Akshay Kumar is a high profile vigilante who soon encounters a problem when his mother Raakhee becomes terribly ill. Talaash_-movies__Akshay_Kumar___Kareena_Kapoor_Action_Movie full short film very beautifull and good movies watch the full videos. Is a 2003 Indian Hindi action thriller film starring Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor in title roles.
Later in the movie it is revealed that Adityas pregnant wife Sunaina played by Kareena Kapoor Khan died when the buildings in their colony collapsed.
Talaash - The Hunt Begins 2003 Star Cast. He must set out to find her th. When his sentence is over he returns home to find that his wife Purnima son Arjun and daughter Pooja living a destitute life. A timeless ride on a ferocious mission.