Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Ki Full Movie. Hi guys This is my new video about unknown facts or trivia box office performance and awards of 2004 romantic thriller movie Aitraaz starring Akshay Kuma. The film features Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Amrish Puri Kareena Kapoor and Paresh Rawal.
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A man is accused of sexual harassment by his former lover and he has to prove his innocence in order to restore his dignity.
Directed by Abbas-Mustan the tale revolve around Akkis character who is accused of sexual harassment by his female superior. Directed by Abbas Alibhai Burmawalla Mastan Alibhai Burmawalla. The third is Priyanka Chopra who was more beautiful in this film pre plastic surgery. Murugadoss storyRajat Arora additional screenplayDS.