Akshay Kumar Priyanka Chopra Kareena Kapoor Movie. Akshay Kumars movies with Kareena Kapoor. Directed by Abbas-Mustan the tale revolve around Akkis character who is accused of sexual harassment by his female superior.
Directed by Abbas-Mustan the tale revolve around Akkis character who is accused of sexual harassment by his female superior. Today Priyanka Chopra Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor Khan starrer Aitraaz completed 16 years since its release in 2004. Trouble brews in paradise when Rajs past tries to catch up with him in Sonia - Priyanka Chopra.
Along with similar movies like Don Ab Tak Chhappan and Dhoom 2.
The third is Priyanka Chopra who was more beautiful in this film. Trouble brews in paradise when Rajs past tries to catch up with him in Sonia - Priyanka Chopra. The film tells the story of a man accused of sexual harassment by his female superior. The movie is directed by Raj Mehta and raked.