Bewafa Film Kareena Kapoor Ka. Bewafaa is a 2005 Hindi romantic drama film starring Anil Kapoor Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor. Ashok KumarRaj Kapoor Nargis Sarshar Sailani Akhtar Hussain Director.
Also check Bewafaa videos photos wallpapers on. Bewafa Release date. Watch the Kareena Kapoor Akshay Kumar in the song Ek Dilruba Hai from the movie Bewafaa.
Sameer Movie Cast Crew.
Anil Kapoor Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Sushmita Sen Song Lyrics. Akhtar Hussain Film Name. Ashok KumarRaj Kapoor Nargis Sarshar Sailani Akhtar Hussain Director. Bewafaa Story Read complete story of Anil Kapoors movie Bewafaa Bewafaa review and preview Bewafaa Bollywood movie synopsis.