Bewafa Movie Akshay Kumar Anil Kapoor Kareena Kapoor. Hey guys check out this Official Trailer of the movie Bewafaa starring Anil Kapoor Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Sushmita SenTo receive exclusive update. The movie stars Akshay Kumar Anil Kapoor in the lead roles and Manoj Bajpayee Kareena Kapoor Sushmita Sen Shamita Shetty in Supporting rolesThe movie is produced under the banner Sridevi Productions.
Watch AnilKapoor KareenaKapoor in the song Teri YaadYaadYaad from the movie BewafaaSung by Ghulam Ali Composed by Nadeem - ShravanStay update.
Is infidelity ever excusable - that is the question raised in Bewafaa.