Bodyguard Hindi Movie Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor. Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Khan. Honestly the last fifteen minutes dampened the happy journey of the film making the ending heavy instead of joyful.
He plays the character Lovely Singh - a dedicated Bodyguard with great strength fighting skills who owes his life to a richrespected man named Sartaj Rana. But as the film is it is nice to see that people who stand in the way of true love get cursed. I like both Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor a lot thats the major reason Bodyguard was mostly enjoyable which I saw on DVD.
He plays the character Lovely Singh - a dedicated Bodyguard with great strength fighting skills who owes his life to a richrespected man named Sartaj Rana.
That said overall the bodyguard is a must watch for Salman Khan fans. A source revealed to Mumbai Mirror In the film Salman Khan plays Kareena Kapoors bodyguard. Bodyguard 2011 With English Subtitle - Action Romantic Movie Salman Khan Kareena Kapoor Khan Director. The daughter of a wealthy nobleman secretly falls in love with her bodyguard.