Dosti Film Akshay Kumar Bobby Deol Kareena Kapoor Juhi Chawla. Sammer Mujhe Jhoom Jhoom Ke Gaane Do is a song from the 2005 movie Dosti starring Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Bobby Deol Juhi Chawla. Karan Thapar lives a rich but very lonesome way of life along with his.
Karan Thapar Bobby. It also stars Lara Dutta and Kareena Kapoor in supporting roles along with Juhi Chawla in a special appearance. Mujhe Jhoom Jhoom Ke Dosti Songs Akshay Kumar Juhi Chawla Bobby Deol Movie.
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Dosti - Friend Forever Director. Get upto 100 Paytm cashback on purchasing any pack worth Rs129. DOSTI Stars - Akshay Kumar Bobby Deol Kareena Kapoor Juhi Chawla etc. Dosti2005 was released in the year 2005.