Dosti Karoge Film Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor. While shooting for their movie Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon the two reportedly came really close and were planning to get married. Hrithik Roshan Kareena Kapoor Rani Mukerji Supporting Cast.
The film Mujhse Dosti Karoge. Is a 2002 romantic-drama movie helmed by Kunal Kohli. Raj Hrithik Roshan Pooja Kareena Kapoor and Tina Rani Mukherjee are friends since childhood.
This was a heartfelt moment when Hrithik.
Mujhse Dosti Karoge Starring. Mujhse Dosti Karoge. It stars Hrithik Roshan Rani Mukerji and Kareena Kapoor. This was a heartfelt moment when Hrithik.