Fida Film Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor. The film is directed by Ken Ghosh and stars Fardeen Khan Kareena Kapoor and Shahid KapoorInitially the film was offered to Amisha Patel however the actress refused it due to another film commitmentThis is the first film in which Kareena Kapoor played a negative role. Gradually they fall in love.
The film is directed by Ken Ghosh and stars Fardeen Khan Kareena Kapoor and Shahid KapoorInitially the film was offered to Amisha Patel however the actress refused it due to another film commitmentThis is the first film in which Kareena Kapoor played a negative role. I mean you are use to the female being scorned and having her go out for revenge but not the male. If he fails to pay money his girlfriend will be killed.
Infatuated is a 2004 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller film released on 20 August 2004.
If he fails to pay money his girlfriend will be killed. Watch ShahidKapoor KareenaKapoor in the song Aaja Ve Mahi from the movie Fida. You are here. The film is directed by Ken Ghosh and stars Fardeen Khan Kareena Kapoor and Shahid KapoorInitially the film was offered to Amisha Patel however the actress refused it due to another film commitmentThis is the first film in which Kareena Kapoor played a negative role.