Film Kareena Kapoor And Shahid Kapoor. After 13 years Kareena Kapoor breaks her silence on breaking up with Shahid KapoorSHAHIDKAPOOR KAREENAKAPOORFor latest update on bollywood LIKE US ON FA. After Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapoors film Fida there were reports of a problem between the two actors.
According to sources Babita Kapoor thought her daughters obsession to be quite unprofessional. Kareena Kapoor used to reportedly ask producers to cast Shahid Kapoor opposite her in movies. Deepika padukone ranbir kapoor vidya balan shahid kapoor sanjay dutt ritesh deshmukh the duo farah karan johar.
The actors never openly addressed the.
When Imtiaz Alis Jab We Met released in 2007 the lead actors in the film Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shahid Kapoor had broken off a long-time relationship. According to sources Babita Kapoor thought her daughters obsession to be quite unprofessional. Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Love story. Kareena Kapoor Khan opened up about her 2006 breakup with Shahid Kapoor and how it impacted her film Imtiaz Alis Jab We Met where they both co-starred.