Film Shahrukh Khan Dan Kareena Kapoor. Watch its video share your views with us. Now after a great come back Kareena Kapoor is said to have signed two new filmsSalute with Shah Rukh Khan and an Untitled Film with Akshay Kumar.
Javed Akhtar Music Director. Jakarta - Aktris Kareena Kapoor akan beradu akting dengan Khan bersaudara Shahrukh Khan Saif Ali Khan dan Salman Khan di 3 film terbarunya. Film ini bercerita tentang kisah cinta yang tidak mendapat restu orangtua.
Moreover the awesome response of the movie made her excited that is why Kareena Kapoor agrees to work with Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar in the next film.
So Kareena Kapoor has earned two films in her hand after the successful opening of Veere Di Wedding. Pasangan beda agama ini dikaruniai bayi lelaki yang diberi nama Taimur. Moreover the awesome response of the movie made her excited that is why Kareena Kapoor agrees to work with Shahrukh Khan and Akshay Kumar in the next film. After marrying a poor woman rich Rahul is disowned by his father and moves to London to build a new life.