Good News Movie Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Ki. The film was once again a proof of the chemistry between the actors on the big screen. They both have done around 13 movies in total as a pair.
Bollywoods Khiladi Akshay Kumar and Bebo have done a number of movies together. They both have done around 13 movies in total as a pair. Cast - Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Kiara Advani Diljit Dosanjh Adil Hussain Tisca Chopra.
The last Bollywood release of 2019 is anything but good news.
First-time director Raj Mehtas Good NewwzGood Newwz. The film was once again a proof of the chemistry between the actors on the big screen. Kareena Kapoor Khan Good Newwz team talk on their good news at trailer launch. First-time director Raj Mehtas Good NewwzGood Newwz.