Govinda Sanjay Dutt Ki Picture Ek Aur Ek Gyarah. Actors like Rajpal Yadav Javed Khan Mushtaq Khan Himani Shivpuri Nandini Singh among others also play pivotal roles in the film. With Sanjay Dutt Govinda Amrita Arora Nandini Singh.
Watch the grand Muhurat of the film in this flashback video. With Sanjay Dutt Govinda Amrita Arora Nandini Singh. Directed by David Dhawan.
Two petty thieves get on the bad side of two wanted criminals.
This movie stars the comedic veterans Govinda and Sanjay Dutt. Sanjay Dutt and Govinda - Bank Robbery - Ek Aur Ek Gyarah Comedy Scene_Full-HD. Watch the grand Muhurat of the film in this flashback video. Apart from Sanjay Dutt Govinda Amrita Jackie Gulshan and Ashish.