Has Sanjay Dutt Recovered. A while ago the actor headed to Dubai to spend some quality time with his kids who are in the city since the lockdown. Sanjay Dutt is currently battling with lung cancer and for the same the actor is under medical observation.
Now his near and dear ones have received great news. Sonu Sood has expressed his happiness for Sanjay Dutt who recovery announced his recovery from cancer. This news obviously devastated his million fans and well-wishers who kept sending speedy recovery wishes on social media.
The picture has left his fans extremely worried and concerned about his health.
Sanjay Dutt took to social media today to announce that he has recovered from a recent health scare reportedly having battled lung cancer. Sanjay Dutt is currently battling with lung cancer and for the same the actor is under medical observation. Now his near and dear ones have received great news. After Pic Of Sanjay Dutt Goes Viral Fans Wish Him A Speedy Recovery.