Hindi Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan. When the fight to deliver justice to Asifa was being shouted at the top of the lungs by champagne socialists Kareena Kapoor Khan was one of the placard campaigners who did not think twice before shaming Hindus for a crime they did not even commit. The actress was seen pouring love on Amrita.
Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan famous for her impeccable style has come under the trolls target. The actresses are rocking the industry by giving major fashionable outfit looks. Born 21 September 1980 is an Indian actress who appears in Hindi films.
The actresses are rocking the industry by giving major fashionable outfit looks.
Bollywoods Bebo has been approached to play the mythological character Sita in the adaptation of the Hindu epic Ramayana Sita. One Kareena Kapoor Khan is a classic leftist who has been notorious for her vicious anti-Hindu placard campaign in 2018. Kareena Kapoor Khan. After becoming a mother for the second time the actress had put on.