Hindi Film Chupke Chupke Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor Shahid Kapoor Paresh Rawal. Chup chup ke kareena kapoor paresh rawal shahid kapoor 2006.
Chup Chup Ke English. Read Also Kareena Kapoor Khan To Sunny Leone. Mistaking a broke small-time hustler for a millionaire two bumbling fishermen hatch a scheme to use him to help pay off their debts.
Neha dhupia is wasted and so are anupam kher sushma reddy om puri and paresh rawal.
A young man named jeetu finds himself in debt with his father receiving harassing visits from money lenders. A young man named jeetu finds himself in debt with his father receiving harassing visits from money lenders. The story gets a little goofy but it. Chup chup ke kareena kapoor paresh rawal shahid kapoor 2006.