Hindi Movie Tashan Akshay Kumar Saif Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor. Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya. With Akshay Kumar Saif Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor Anil Kapoor.
Though the movie was not a blockbuster success theres much more to the movie than Kareena Kapoor Khans viral size zero figure in the film. Vishal Dadlani Shekhar Ravjiani. The song consists of Hindi.
Saif Ali Khan shares his experience during the shooting of the movie Tashan.
Bollywoods power couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan is. While they were shooting for the film Tashan the actors used to spend a lot of time together hanging out. Tashan Trailer Akshay Kumar Saif Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor Anil Kapoor Vijay Krishna Acharya - YouTube. Kareena Kapoor Khan Akshay Kumar Saif Ali Khan Anil Kapoor Tashan.