Indian Movie Sanjay Dutt Ki Khalnayak. Check out the glimpse of the screening of Khalnayak. Presenting you the video song of Nayak Nahi Khalnayak Hai Tu MALE sung by Kavita Krishnamurthy Vinod Rathod Title.
Ballu Sanjay Dutt a notorious cunning. The movie can be considered as one of the biggest crime movies of Bollywood. Directed by Bharat Rangachary.
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Raised in an atmosphere of hate violence and crime Suraj alias Sunny is a cold-blooded killer who mercilessly kills his victims for the right amount usually following the instructions of his boss Dhabariya. 1993 TV-14 2h 29m Bollywood Movies. When Suraj is arrested he is imprisoned and gets to meet Dr. Khalnayak full moviekhalnayak moviekhalnayak movie songskhalnayakkhalnayak songskhalnayak video songskhalnayak hindi moviekhalnayak nepali moviekhaln.