Janwar Film Video Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor. The movie has an amazing plot and was a commercial hit. Jaanwar is a 1999 movie starring Akshay Kumar Karisma Kapoor Shilpa Shetty and Mohnish Bahl.
Twinkle Khanna REFUSES To Direct Akshay Kumar In Films. The movie has an amazing plot and was a commercial hit. Bapu Lohar now.
Akshay Kumar is a popular Indian Film Actor who works primarily in Bollywood films.
BondDeedarAshaantDil Ki BaaziKayda KanoonWaqt Hamara. Bapu Lohar now. The main cast of the movie was Akshay Kumar Kareena Kapoor Khan. The film may appear louder-than-life to the dainty-hearted.