Kareena Kapoor 2 Baby Born Date. The Jab We Met actor had been open about having conversations of having a second baby after Taimur in many of her public interviewsThis time around the Bollywood couple decided to release a statement sharing the news with their fans and various portals. Were all waiting to hold her little one in our arms shared Randhir Kapoor as he revealed the due date.
Every time mum-to-be Kareena Kapoor Khan steps out of her plush Bandra home she sets a frenzy among the paparazzi and her fans who want just one more picture with her. He welcomed his younger brother on 21 February 2021 when his mother gave birth to. A source close to the couple has told us Kareena is.
The list includes Kareena Kapoor Anushka Sharma among others.
Hope it is true do bachche hone chahiye Well we now have another piece of exclusive news on this front. A source close to the couple has told us Kareena is. Now the actor has revealed that the baby is due sometime in early February. Kareena Kapoor Khans delivery date is out.