Kareena Kapoor And Saif Ali Khan Marriage Year. Saif Ali Khan fell in love with the quintessential Punjabi kudi of Bollywood Amrita Singh and despite their massive age gap their fling led to marriage in October 1991. Saif Ali Khan proposed to Kareena during a romantic trip to Paris.
Two of Bollywoods top stars - Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor - have got married in the Indian city of Mumbai after a five-year courtship. Whereas his nuptials with Kareena garnered attention not just because of the 10-year age gap but also because of Saifs children. They got married on October 16 2012.
Saif later went on to marry his Tashan co-star Kareena.
Whereas his nuptials with Kareena garnered attention not just because of the 10-year age gap but also because of Saifs children. Whereas his nuptials with Kareena garnered attention not just because of the 10-year age gap but also because of Saifs children. The duo has not yet revealed the. Salena Harshini Oct 16 2020.