Kareena Kapoor And Sara Ali Khan Instagram. Kareena Kapoor Khan shared a throwback picture of herself her father Randhir Kapoor and her hubby Saif Ali Khan to wish her superheroes on Fathers Day. Heres what made fans wonder that something is fishy between Sara Ali Khan and Kareen Kapoor Khan read on.
Kareena And Soha Share Unseen Pictures Of The Kedarnath Actress As She Turns 25 The Simmba actress turned 25 today. 810k Likes 2880 Comments - Sara Ali Khan saraalikhan95 on Instagram. Similarly A few months back Kareena Kapoor made her debut on Instagram.
Kareena Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan are two individuals who are extremely close to each other.
810k Likes 2880 Comments - Sara Ali Khan saraalikhan95 on Instagram. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Soha Ali Khan has the sweetest wish for her birthday. Although the couple remained completely private about their secondborns face and name the baby took the internet by storm by constantly staying in the news. Lets have a look at a few more old photos of the members of the Pataudi family.