Kareena Kapoor Armaan Jain Wedding Video. On Tuesday Kareena Kapoor Khan treated her fans with a glimpse of a special online workout session. Armaan Jain the actor and brother of Kareena Kapoor tied the knot with her fiance Anissa Malhotra on the previous day.
Armaan Jain and Anissa. Many photos and videos related to Armaan Jains wedding ha. Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khan.
Actor Armaan Jains wedding with Anissa Malhotra was a star-studded affair in Mumbai on Monday night.
Taimur WATCHES Karishma Kapoor Kareena Kapoor Dance on TAREEFAN at Armaan Jain Wedding ThrowBackThe world of Hindi cinema is glittering with scintillating stars and we at BiscootTv promulgate the unheard stories to bring our viewers closer to their most beloved celebrities. Kareena Kapoor And Ranbir Kapoor Brother Armaan Jain Wedding Reception Full Celebration VideoSubscribe to Bol Bollywood where we serve you the latest newsvi. From family members Taimur Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor Khan Karisma Kapoor Saif Ali Khan to Ambanis and more have graced the event. The wedding celebrations of actor Armaan Jain with his fashion blogger beau Anissa Malhotra have kicked off replete with all the trimmings of a Bollywood spectacle.