Kareena Kapoor Bollywood Film Actress. The report also revealed that Kareena has asked for a whopping amount to take up Sitas role. Kareena Kapoor Khan is an Indian actress who has appeared in over 60 Hindi films.
She is the daughter of actors Randhir. According to a report the makers of the upcoming mythological period saga Sita have approached the actress. Actress Kareena Kapoor who made her debut in Bollywood in 2000 with the film Refugee took to Instagram to celebrate 21 years of the JP Dutta directorial film.
She was passionate for acting since her childhood.
She is the daughter of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita and the you. Early Life A vibrant and the most beautiful Bollywood actress kareena Kapoor was born to a famous Bollywood family Ranbhir Kapoor and Babita in 1980. For her acting debut in J. Kareena Kapoor in Kurbaan.