Kareena Kapoor Breaking News. Kareena Kapoor shared a picture of her sons on Instagram. Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is also seen experimenting with Instagram filters as on Friday the actress treated fans with one of her selfies.
Kareena Kapoor stunned everyone when she. Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor today shared the picture of her third childand it is her new book titled Kareena Kapoor Khans Pregnancy Bible. Bebo used the party filter and it appears the actress is in a colorful mood.
The actress is known for her healthy food choices as well as occasionally indulgent cheat meals.
The actress is known for her healthy food choices as well as occasionally indulgent cheat meals. Today is the perfect day to announce my book- Kareena. In the photo which she shared on her Instagram Stories Kareena posed her poker-straight face. Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor Khan is also seen experimenting with Instagram filters as on Friday the actress treated fans with one of her selfies.