Kareena Kapoor Brother Picture. Kareena Kapoor Khan on Sunday shared an adorable picture of her older son Taimur holding his younger brother who is just months old as she sent a wish for all the strong mothers on the occasion of Mothers Day. Kareena Kapoor Khan just posted a super-adorable photo of her family of four and we cannot keep calm.
This is the first time the four-year-old Taimur has been seen with his brother. Daliya Ghose On Monday 10th May 20211105 On the occasion of Mothers Day Kareena Kapoor Khan shared an. Kareena Kapoor Khan just posted a super-adorable photo of her family of four and we cannot keep calm.
Prithviraj and Trilok Kapoor were born in the town of Samundri in.
Prithviraj Kapoor was the first from the family to pursue a career in films. Prithviraj Kapoor was the first from the family to pursue a career in films. On Friday actress Kareena Kapoor Khan surprised everyone by dropping the first photo of her younger son on social media with Saif Ali Khan and Taimur. Kareena Kapoor Khan on Sunday shared an adorable picture of her older son Taimur holding his younger brother who is just months old as she sent a wish for all the strong mothers on the occasion of Mothers Day.