Kareena Kapoor Cousin Marriage. Kareena Kapoor is getting all decked-up to join the pre-wedding celebrations of her cousin and actor Armaan Jain in Mumbai on Saturday. The actress also took to Instagram to share pictures and videos of Armaans baraat where she and Kareena Kapoor accompanied the groom.
Sisters Kareena and Karisma celebrate cousin Armaan Jains wedding. Ranbirs equally-popular cousin Kareena Kapoor has said that Karisma Kapoor and her would like Sonam Kapoor to marry their cousin according to DNA. Kareena is expecting her second.
PUBLISHED ON FEB 03 2021 0222 PM IST Actor Kareena Kapoor took to her Instagram Stories on Wednesday to want her cousin Armaan Jain and sister-in-law Anissa Malhotra on their first wedding anniversary.
Kareena Kapoors cousin Armaan Jain married his long-time partner Anissa Malhotra on Monday night. Kareena Kapoor is getting all decked-up to join the pre-wedding celebrations of her cousin and actor Armaan Jain in Mumbai on Saturday. Kareena Kapoor and Karisma wouldnt have missed their cousins big day for the world. Amitabh Bachchan attended the wedding with Jaya Bachchan.