Kareena Kapoor Current Pictures. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan recently took to her Instagram to share stunning monochrome portraits of her just a week before the birth of her second baby boy Jeh. Sara Ali Khan shilpa shetty Kareena kapoor.
Kareena Kapoor Khan slays in the latest issue of Filmfare. Kareena Kapoor glows in monochrome portraits of second pregnancy with Jeh. Kareena and Saif make quite an adorable and energetic pair in Bollywood.
This Kareena Kapoor without makeup photo is seen where she is posing for a selfie with her husband during her pool time.
Kareena Kapoor Khan treats her fans with the first picture of her newborn son. They both are just out of the pool and are in their real faces. Both of them pose for a happy selfie. Big B Kareena Kapoor Shilpa Shetty Sara Ali Others Share PICS Practising Yoga Asans.