Kareena Kapoor Daughter And Son Name. The actor Rishi Kapoor is her uncle and his son actor Ranbir Kapoor is her cousin. Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan who welcomed their second child a baby boy in February this year have named him Jeh Randhir Kapoor told news agency PTI.
Kareena gave birth to the baby at the Breach Candy Hospital Mumbai on Sunday. Kid Taimur Ali Khan walking happily after becomg a elder brother Kareena Kapoors first child name created many controversies and the couple faced enormous hatred on the internet for Taimurs name. Months after actor couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their younger son in February they have finalised a name for him.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child on Sunday and the family has been flooded with congratulatory messages.
Soon after the news of the babys birth the internet was. Remaining extremely cautious about not leaking the name anywhere social media is now buzzing with excitement after Taimurs baby brothers name was made public. After visiting the daughter and her son at hospital Randhir had said. On Sunday as well their accounts were flooded with negative comments and tweets regarding the name.