Kareena Kapoor Daughter Picture. Bollywood actress Karisma Kapoor on Thursday celebrated the 16th birthday of her daughter Samaira at her residence. Jab We Met actor Kareena Kapoor is looking forward to release of her book on pregnancy and is promoting it on her social mediaShe took to her Instagram handle and treated fans with a throwback picture of herself.
Karisma Kapoor was photographed with her daughter Samiera who looks all grown up in the latest pictures from outside Kareena Kapoors house. Kareena Kapoor celebs at midnight mass karisma kapur with daughter samaira kapur. The first glimpse of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khans second child is here.
The Good Newwz star who welcomed the youngest Pataudi heir on February 21 posted a black-and-white photograph holding the baby.
She took a stroll down memory lane and shared a picture from the 1980s with her sister-actor Karisma Kapoor along with mother Babita from one of their Christmas. Kareena Kapoor shared a stunning picture along with sister Karisma Kapoor and cousin Neetu and Rishi Kapoors daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahni. The Good Newwz star who welcomed the youngest Pataudi heir on February 21 posted a black-and-white photograph holding the baby. Jab We Met actor Kareena Kapoor is looking forward to release of her book on pregnancy and is promoting it on her social mediaShe took to her Instagram handle and treated fans with a throwback picture of herself.