Kareena Kapoor Delivered Baby Boy. Their fans and well-wishers thronged. The news was confirmed by Randhir Kapoor who said that Kareena delivered the baby early this morning on Sunday at Breach.
Kareena Kapoor Khan Kareena Kapoor resumes work post delivery of second baby asks paps to move back- Watch. Feb 21 2021 2053 IST 1460 views. She has delivered a baby boy.
Saif Ali Khan Randhir Kapoor Taimur spotted at the hospital where Kareena Kapoor Khan delivered a baby boy this morning Updated.
The actress delivered her second baby on. For a while the actress kept the baby away. Feb 21 2021 2053 IST 1460 views. Kareena Kapoor Delivered Baby Boy Kareena Kapoor Second Baby Boy PicsKareenaKapoor Boy Son PicsBollywood city as it named its all about Bollywood a.