Kareena Kapoor Family History. Bollywood_FamilyNaarad_TVMeet the Kapoor family of Bollywood_कपर खनदन क इतहस Prithviraj Kapoor स लकर Ranbir Kapoor तक-Member. Kareena Kapoor Khan gehört der Schauspielerdynastie Kapoor an die tief in Bollywood verwurzelt ist.
Both her parents were prominent actors though her mother stopped acting after marriage. She was born in Mumbai Maharashtra India. Born on 21 September 1980 in Bombay now Mumbai Kapoor often informally referred to as Bebo is the younger daughter of Randhir Kapoor and Babita née Shivdasani.
The Indian theatre actor Prithviraj Kapoor made The Kapoor Family prominent in the history of Indian Cinema.
Kareena Kapoor Khan gehört der Schauspielerdynastie Kapoor an die tief in Bollywood verwurzelt ist. Start discovering now - free. Kareena Kapoor with her family. She was born in Mumbai Maharashtra India.