Kareena Kapoor Family Photo. Its been a few months since Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed with their second child on February 21. Kareena Kapoor Shares A Family Photo From Dharamshala Reveals Her And Taimurs Favourite Sneakers Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared a family picture from their recent trip to Dharamshala shares a glimpse of her and Tims favourite sneakers.
The photo features little Kareena teenager Karisma and young Babita Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor Shares A Family Photo From Dharamshala Reveals Her And Taimurs Favourite Sneakers Kareena Kapoor Khan has shared a family picture from their recent trip to Dharamshala shares a glimpse of her and Tims favourite sneakers. Kareena Kapoor Shares Unseen Pics of Family Tiger Shroffs Baaghi 3 Earns Rs 3353 Cr at Box Office March 8 While Tiger Shroffs Baaghi 3 looks to post a Rs 50 crore plus weekend earnings at the box office Kareena Kapoor shared some candid pics of her family on social media.
She also promised that they will recreate the happy picture again soon.
She also promised that they will recreate the happy picture again soon. With her favourite boys. He is the eldest son of five children of Raj Kapoor Ritu Nanda Rishi Kapoor Rajiv Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor attends the UK premiere of RA One at 02 Arena on October 25 2011 in London England.