Kareena Kapoor Father Image. Kareena Kapoor Khan also took to Instagram to celebrate husband Saif Ali Khan on the occasion of Fathers Day. Randhir married Babita on 6th Nov 1971 and.
Their fans and well-wishers thronged social media to extend their congratulatory messages. Born 21 September 1980 is an Indian actress who appears in Hindi filmsShe is the daughter of actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita and the younger sister of actress Karisma KapoorNoted for playing a variety of characters in a range of film genresfrom romantic comedies to crime dramasKapoor is the recipient of several. Kapoor father name is Randhir Kapoor and her mother name Babita both are from bollywood industries.
Happy Fathers Day.
Sharing the image on Instagram Stories Kareena added a few coronary heart emojis. Kareena and Saif are parents to two kids Taimur and his three-months-old brother. Karisma Kapoor too posted a childhood picture of herself with her father. Fathers Day 2021.