Kareena Kapoor Father Name. Bollywood star couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have named their second son Jeh veteran actor Randhir Kapoor has confirmed. Interestingly Kapoor Khans father Randhir has confirmed that a name for the baby has been finalised.
Jeh is a Parsi name which means to come. Kareena was born to Sindhi-speaking Babita nee Shivdasani and Punjabi-speaking Randhir Kapoor in Bombay India. The couples older son is Taimur Ali Khan.
Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Randhir Kapoor told PTI.
While talking to Etimes Randhir revealed Yes. Jeh is a Parsi name which means to come. Kareena was born to Sindhi-speaking Babita nee Shivdasani and Punjabi-speaking Randhir Kapoor in Bombay India. Bollywood star couple Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan have named their second son Jeh veteran actor Randhir Kapoor has confirmed.