Kareena Kapoor Father News. The veteran actor revealed that Bebo and Saif gave them the news a few days back. Kareena Kapoors father Randhir HAPPY with the pregnancy newsBollywoodlife Bollywoodnews celebritynews trendingbollywood movienews latestreleaseupdate.
Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan were blessed with a baby boy on February 21 2021. KAREENA KAPOOR POSED FOR PICTURES. Kareena Kapoor marks Fathers Day with her Superheroes.
The actress was dressed in a white salwar kameez and covered her face with a black mask.
Veteran Bollywood actor is in a Mumbai hospital after testeding positive. Kareena Karisma Kapoors father Randhir shifted to the ICU. Indian star Kareena Kapoor delighted her millions of fans with a rare adorable photo with her dad. Kareena Kapoor Khan pronounced kəˈriːna kəˈpuːr.