Kareena Kapoor First Movie In Bollywood. Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Kareenas father Randhir Kapoor told PTI. In a career spanning two decades the actress has already engraved her name as one of the most versatile actresses of all time.
With more than 60 films to her name already the actress shows no signs of slowing down. The following year she appeared in five films including the romance Mujhe Kucch Kehna Hai the thriller Ajnabee and the ensemble melodrama Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. After this he also got its name out early.
Even today Taimurs photo comes in front of most.
To mark this special day Kareena Kapoor shared a special video from her movie Refugee and penned down a note feeling fully motivated and ready to witness 21 more years of journey in Bollywood. Soumya Jain Leave a comment. The picture is shared by Kareena Kapoor Khan on her Instagram handle. ALSO READ Kareena Kapoors Name Removed.