Kareena Kapoor In Saif Ali Khan First Wedding. Both Saif and Kareena looked stunning in their wedding avatars. Sharmila Tagore didnt sound excited about her son Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoors wedding read ahead as to why Last year before lockdown Kareena Kapoor invited her mother-in-law Sharmila Tagore to her radio show What Women Want season 2 where she spoke about the difference between a daughter and daughter-in-law and her work-life balance when she was acting in films.
As their first anniversary is arriving soon the couple have already begun the celebrations. Happy Married Life. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan fell in love on the sets of Tashan and were in a live-in relationship for five years.
Happy Married Life.
October 16 2012 was the date when the Saif Ali Khan Kareena Kapoor wedding happened but lets first start with the sangeet. Well Kareena had attended Saifs first wedding with Amrita and at that time she was only 11 years old. Source Merrymaking and revelry was the order of the day when the families of the two superstars came together to celebrate the new union and plenty of song and dance was to follow for the rest of the evening. The two were married when Saif was just 20 years old.