Kareena Kapoor Ke Video Geet. Social media star Kusha Kapila recently made a video re-imagining Geet as a South Delhi girl instead of Bhatinda and Kareena couldnt stop herself from commenting on the post. The song is sung by Kunal Ganjawala.
Heres a cute moments when a little fan girl met her inspiration Geet aka Kareena Kapoor. Kareena Kapoor Khans Geet Terrifies Yous Joe Goldberg With The Suar Ki Aulad Dialogue Its Oddly Satisfying Watch. Presenting the full video song Aaya Re from the Bollywood movie Chup Chup Ke featuring Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor.
Social media influencer Kusha Kapila recently posted an Instagram video of herself pretending to be Kareena Kapoor as Geet but with a South Delhi twist.
Tum Se Hi_Full_Video_Song_Shahid Kapoor Kareena Kapoor KhanMovie---Jab We Met---Full-HD_1080p. Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan who essayed the famous role of Geet in Imtiaz Alis 2017 film Jab We Met wants digital content creator Kusha Kapila to play this character in Jab We Met 2Recently Kusha took to her Instagram handle to share a video. The song is sung by Kunal Ganjawala. Also the slip corset paired with black harem pants along with a chunky silver belt in the song Mauja Hi Mauja was aped by many girls.