Kareena Kapoor Khan And Her Husband. Kareena Kapoor Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy in February this year. She added Saif Ali Khan liked to eat food that was healthy as well as tasty.
Entertainment Desk Bengaluru Updated. However not many people are aware that Kareenas first soulmate was neither her husband Saif Ali Khan nor her ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor. Ever since both of them fell in love and got married the relationship between the two has only strengthened more and more and over the years and fans and admirers have loved them.
The couple who is parents to four-year-old Taimur Ali Khan celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary in October 2020.
July 9 2021 43946 pm. Kareena Kapoor Khan and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy in February this year. According to our records she has 1. However not many people are aware that Kareenas first soulmate was neither her husband Saif Ali Khan nor her ex-boyfriend Shahid Kapoor.