Kareena Kapoor Khan Baby Boy Name. Randhir told ETimes Yes Kareena and Saifs younger son has been named Jeh. Kareena Kapoor Saif Ali Khans Second Son Name Revealed Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child a baby boy on February 21 this year.
At India Today Conclave 2018 Kareena Kapoor Khan said that There was a lot of trolling but there was also an immense amount of support. When Saif and Kareena had welcomed their first child they had landed in a big name controversy. Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Kareenas father Randhir Kapoor.
The couple however hadnt announced the babys name.
On February 21 Kareena welcomed her second child a baby boy. When Saif and Kareena had welcomed their first child they had landed in a big name controversy. Yes Kareena and Saifs son has been named Jeh recently Kareenas father Randhir Kapoor said. Saif and Kareena welcomed their baby boy.