Kareena Kapoor Khan Child Name. Kareena Kapoor-Saif Ali Khans younger son is named Jeh Randhir Kapoor reveals when name was finalised Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan named. While speaking to Mid-Day Randhir told that the family has not decided the name of Kareena Kapoor Khan-Saif Ali Khans second baby.
The news was confirmed by Randhir. Now the question of what is the name of Kareena and Saifs second child is doing all the rounds in the social media. The couple is yet to formally introduce their new-born to fans tough Kareena has shared glimpses of her lil boy on several occasions on her Instagram page though his name is yet to be revealed.
According to BT the couple has named their newborn as Jeh.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan have finally decided on a name for their second child. Just hours ago the star also took to social media to drop the cover of her upcoming book a maternity and motherhood guide titled Kareena Kapoor Khan Pregnancy BibleThe actor described the read as a very personal account of what I experienced both. The couple who announced the pregnancy in August last year welcomed their baby boy on February 21. The latter had expressed his excitement of becoming a father again in a press statement that read.