Kareena Kapoor Khan Daughter Pic. On Saturday July 17 Kareena took to her Instagram to share an unseen childhood picture of her celebrating Christmas in the 80s with her mother Babita and older sister Karisma Kapoor. Kareena announced her book on July 9.
Bebo fulfilled the wish of the fans who were eagerly waiting to catch a glimpse of her newborn baby baby. Taking to her Instagram handle Kareena dug out a priceless picture from her 80s family album in which she can be seen posing beside a Christmas tree with her mother. July 09 2021 1455 IST.
The picture also features Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khans son Taimur Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmus daughter Inaaya.
Teh actor recently unveiled her book on pregnancy Kareena Kapoor Khans Pregnancy Bible where she has revealed numerous details regarding her journey of motherhood. On Saturday July 17 Kareena took to her Instagram to share an unseen childhood picture of her celebrating Christmas with her mother Babita and older sister Karisma Kapoor. Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is enjoying every minute of her motherhood journey with her two munchkins. New Delhi India July 17 ANI.